AREC is Here to Help People Work and Learn Effectively During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As the threat of COVID-19 persists, our teams across the globe are continually providing technology, solutions, and resources to help people work and learn effectively during this challenging time.

Portfolio Details Image
  • Created by: AREC@Taiwan
  • Completed on:2020/07/16

Covid-19 has already inflicted huge economic hit around the world. There is no doubt that those companies and organizations able to use digital technology well to break through the boundaries and keep going could have a faster response to face the crisis.

Coronavirus has accelerated the global digital transformation. For enterprises, education, healthcare and even government, online distribution and remote communication have received new impetus and this trend will be here to stay.

From February to June in Taiwan, with AREC Media Station, AREC supported nearly 100 institutions to provide suitable online activities for their services, including multi-sources video recording, live streaming, virtual classrooms with cloud video conferencing (such as Cisco Webex, Zoom) and so on. With the distinctive rise of remote communication and video on-demand, we are also seeing more scenarios and innovative online services created by our customers.

Live Streaming and VOD Service Cases in Taiwan

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital: Health Issues Sharing via Live Streaming on Facebook

In order to continually provide health courses to patients, hospital volunteers, and the general public, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital started holding Live Health Forums on Facebook via AREC Media Capture Solution from April this year. These online sharing events have won wonderful feedback from audiences.

EMBA, National Taiwan University: Live Sale Event for Small Business Owners to Support Each Other

AREC assisted the Alumni Foundation and the Student Union of the NTU EMBA to hold live sale events on Facebook for small to middle business owners at the Video Studio located on AREC's headquarter during coronavirus pandemic. Through these event opportunities, the business owners not only could support each other, but also learned more online activities from different business types. The Live sale event and the story of mutual aid were also reported on the cover story of the Business Weekly Magazine on April in Taiwan.

Chang Gung University of Science and Technology: Online Admissions Briefing

Affected by the Corornavirus pandemic, Chang Gung University of Science and Technology changed the admissions briefing from campus to online streaming first time, and obtained great response and feedback.

Professional IT Academy: Live Lecture with Cloud Video Conferencing

To provide professional and high-quality IT related courses to the paid members, the Professional IT Academy started reached students in virtual ways in response to face the COVID-19 this year. Firstly, they hold Live and high-performance lectures on Zoom with AREC Media Station. In some situation, they provided on-demand video (recorded by AREC Solution) and Q&A time via cloud video conferencing software. With high quality performance, these online live lectures and video-on-demand had won great feedback from remote students.

AREC will do whatever we can to support your organizations, share the remote communication cases and help those in need continully.